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Hong Kong | Prepaid Data SIM Card Wiki

branded prepaid SIMs (except Discover Hong Kong Tourist SIM), old one2free and old CSL branded SIM cards,. to check your mobile number, account balance, expiry ...


我的帳戶. 儲值卡流動電話號碼 : 密碼 : 登入. 忘記密碼- 幫助 · 切換到桌面版 | 產品 | 店址 | 聯絡. © CSL Mobile Limited 2007- 2024 本公司保留所有權利. loading.

Hemat 儲值卡

prepaid.hkcsl.com. 查詢儲值卡餘額: *101#. 增值獎賞- 每次增值可獲獎賞額高達$30 ... 「首次增值獎賞」僅適用於Hemat Prepaid SIM 客戶。 「首次增值獎賞」推廣期為 ...

Prepaid SIM Card

With no monthly fee or contract, csl Prepaid SIM cards allows you to make local and international calls while enjoying mobile data and value-added services.

Kumusta Ka Prepaid SIM

prepaid.hkcsl.com. Check balance: *109# SEND. Promotion offer. Recharge Voucher, Free Local Minutes*, Free IDD Minutes*, Extra Value*. Extension of card ...

csl 本地儲值卡

只需登記「抵傾」組合,本地通話及視像通話低至每分鐘$0.03,4G 本地上網流動數據,免費10000 個本地網內短訊,增值更多送高達30%儲值額。立即了解更多優惠詳情。

Local Prepaid SIM Card in Hong Kong

Main balance checking, Login csl App. csl 本地儲值卡 數據全面升級及全新形象登場. *109#. Subscribed service status checking, *101#. Roaming Data Usage checking ...

Your Mobile 本地儲值卡

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Your Mobile Local Prepaid SIM

Buy now! Check account balance and validity: Press ## 122 # SEND. IDD Service:. No need to apply for the service nor require any deposit, you can make high ...

SoSIM Prepaid SIM Card $33 LocalTravel Data, No ...

Infinite Hong Kong local data or travel roaming data in one prepaid SIM card. Buy now at 400+ Parknshop & Watsons or Online Store. Enjoy SoSIM, So SIMple!